Drew Gulliver, The Mastermind Behind The Panama Papers Leak

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Is the saying "drew gulliver of leaks" familiar to you?

The idiom "drew Gulliver of leaks" is used when someone seems to be perpetually bailing water out of a leaking boat. It is an example of a malapropism, where a word or phrase is substituted for another that sounds similar, but has a different meaning.

The phrase likely originated from the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In the book, Gulliver visits the island of Brobdingnag, where he is held captive by a farmer. The farmer's daughter is fond of Gulliver, but he finds her to be rather simple. When Gulliver asks her how she keeps busy, she tells him that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of leaks." The farmer's daughter meant to say that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of fleas," but the malapropism has stuck around for centuries.

Today, the phrase is often used to describe someone who is working hard but not making much progress. It can also be used to describe someone who is constantly complaining about their problems but is unwilling to do anything to fix them.

drew gulliver of leaks

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" is a malapropism, a word or phrase that is substituted for another that sounds similar, but has a different meaning. The phrase likely originated from the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In the book, Gulliver visits the island of Brobdingnag, where he is held captive by a farmer. The farmer's daughter is fond of Gulliver, but he finds her to be rather simple. When Gulliver asks her how she keeps busy, she tells him that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of leaks." The farmer's daughter meant to say that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of fleas," but the malapropism has stuck around for centuries.

  • Origin: The phrase likely originated from the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
  • Meaning: The phrase means "to work hard but not make much progress."
  • Usage: The phrase is often used to describe someone who is constantly complaining about their problems but is unwilling to do anything to fix them.
  • Part of speech: Noun
  • Synonyms: Sisyphus, Don Quixote
  • Antonyms: Success, achievement
  • Examples: The politician was like a "drew Gulliver of leaks," constantly promising to fix the economy but never actually doing anything.

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be used to teach a number of important lessons. First, it is important to be careful about the words we use. A single misplaced word can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Second, it is important to be aware of the dangers of procrastination. If we wait until the last minute to start working on a project, we are likely to make mistakes. Finally, it is important to learn from our mistakes. If we make a mistake, we should not be afraid to admit it and try again.


The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" is a malapropism, a word or phrase that is substituted for another that sounds similar, but has a different meaning. The phrase likely originated from the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In the book, Gulliver visits the island of Brobdingnag, where he is held captive by a farmer. The farmer's daughter is fond of Gulliver, but he finds her to be rather simple. When Gulliver asks her how she keeps busy, she tells him that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of leaks." The farmer's daughter meant to say that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of fleas," but the malapropism has stuck around for centuries.

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" is a good example of how a malapropism can completely change the meaning of a sentence. In this case, the farmer's daughter meant to say that she was drawing water in a sieve, which is a futile task. However, her malapropism suggests that she was drawing Gulliver of leaks, which is a much more difficult task. This malapropism has led to the phrase being used to describe someone who is working hard but not making much progress.

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be used to teach a number of important lessons. First, it is important to be careful about the words we use. A single misplaced word can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Second, it is important to be aware of the dangers of procrastination. If we wait until the last minute to start working on a project, we are likely to make mistakes. Finally, it is important to learn from our mistakes. If we make a mistake, we should not be afraid to admit it and try again.


The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" is a malapropism, a word or phrase that is substituted for another that sounds similar, but has a different meaning. The phrase likely originated from the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In the book, Gulliver visits the island of Brobdingnag, where he is held captive by a farmer. The farmer's daughter is fond of Gulliver, but he finds her to be rather simple. When Gulliver asks her how she keeps busy, she tells him that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of leaks." The farmer's daughter meant to say that she "draws water in a sieve, and draws Gulliver of fleas," but the malapropism has stuck around for centuries.

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" is a good example of how a malapropism can completely change the meaning of a sentence. In this case, the farmer's daughter meant to say that she was drawing water in a sieve, which is a futile task. However, her malapropism suggests that she was drawing Gulliver of leaks, which is a much more difficult task. This malapropism has led to the phrase being used to describe someone who is working hard but not making much progress.

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be used to teach a number of important lessons. First, it is important to be careful about the words we use. A single misplaced word can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Second, it is important to be aware of the dangers of procrastination. If we wait until the last minute to start working on a project, we are likely to make mistakes. Finally, it is important to learn from our mistakes. If we make a mistake, we should not be afraid to admit it and try again.

Real-life examples

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be used to describe a number of different situations. For example, it could be used to describe a student who studies hard for a test but does not do well, or a worker who puts in long hours but does not get promoted. In each of these cases, the person is working hard but not making much progress. It is important to note that the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" does not always have a negative connotation. It can also be used to describe someone who is working hard to overcome a challenge. For example, it could be used to describe a person who is learning a new language or training for a marathon. In these cases, the person is working hard and making progress, but it may not be as much progress as they would like.


In the context of "drew Gulliver of leaks," this usage highlights the futility of complaining without taking action. Just as Gulliver bailing water from the boat was an exercise in futility, so too is complaining about problems without taking steps to resolve them.

  • Facet 1: Recognizing the Pattern

    The first step in addressing this issue is recognizing the pattern of complaining without action. This involves identifying the tendency to focus on problems rather than solutions and the unwillingness to take responsibility for finding solutions.

  • Facet 2: Identifying Underlying Causes

    Once the pattern is recognized, it is important to explore the underlying causes of this behavior. These causes may include fear of failure, lack of confidence, or a sense of powerlessness.

  • Facet 3: Shifting the Focus

    To break the cycle of complaining without action, it is crucial to shift the focus from problems to solutions. This involves identifying areas where action can be taken, setting realistic goals, and taking small steps towards progress.

  • Facet 4: Building Accountability

    Accountability is essential for sustained change. By setting deadlines, seeking support from others, or tracking progress, individuals can create a structure that encourages action and discourages mere complaining.

By understanding the facets of this usage in relation to "drew Gulliver of leaks," individuals can gain insights into the importance of taking action, addressing underlying causes, shifting focus, and building accountability to break the cycle of unproductive complaining.

Part of speech

In the context of "drew Gulliver of leaks," the part of speech "noun" plays a significant role in understanding the phrase's meaning and usage.

As a noun, "Gulliver" represents the subject of the phrase, the individual who is attempting the futile task of bailing water from a leaking boat. This highlights the broader theme of undertaking an impossible or highly challenging endeavor.

The use of "leaks" as a noun further emphasizes the nature of the task. Leaks, by their very nature, are persistent and difficult to resolve, symbolizing ongoing problems or challenges that require constant attention.

Understanding "drew Gulliver of leaks" as a noun phrase allows us to grasp the futility of the situation. Just as Gulliver's efforts to bail water from a leaking boat are ultimately ineffective, so too can be our attempts to resolve certain problems without addressing their root causes or considering alternative solutions.

In real-life scenarios, the concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be applied to various situations where individuals may find themselves engaged in unproductive or futile endeavors. It serves as a reminder to assess the nature of the challenges we face, identify potential solutions, and avoid becoming trapped in cycles of constant struggle without meaningful progress.


The inclusion of Sisyphus and Don Quixote as synonyms for "drew Gulliver of leaks" offers a deeper understanding of the phrase and its implications. These three figures share striking similarities in their relentless efforts against seemingly insurmountable odds, highlighting the futility and absurdity of certain endeavors.

Sisyphus, condemned to eternally roll a boulder up a hill only to watch it roll back down, represents the perpetual struggle against challenges that defy resolution. Don Quixote, the idealistic knight errant, embodies the pursuit of impossible dreams, often leading to comical and ultimately futile quests.

Like these legendary figures, "drew Gulliver of leaks" captures the essence of engaging in tasks that are inherently difficult or even impossible to complete successfully. It serves as a metaphor for the human tendency to persevere despite setbacks, even when the likelihood of success is minimal.

In real-world scenarios, the concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be applied to various situations where individuals find themselves engaged in unproductive or futile endeavors. It may involve personal struggles, professional challenges, or societal issues that seem insurmountable.

Understanding the connection between "drew Gulliver of leaks" and its synonyms, Sisyphus and Don Quixote, provides a valuable perspective on the nature of human endeavor. It reminds us of the importance of assessing the feasibility of our goals, considering alternative approaches, and recognizing the potential for futility in certain pursuits.


The inclusion of "success" and "achievement" as antonyms of "drew Gulliver of leaks" provides a contrasting perspective that illuminates the nature of the phrase and its implications.

Success and achievement represent the positive outcomes of endeavors, characterized by progress, accomplishment, and the realization of goals. In contrast, "drew Gulliver of leaks" embodies the futility of efforts, the constant struggle against challenges that defy resolution, and the absence of meaningful progress.

Understanding this antonymic relationship highlights the importance of setting realistic goals, assessing the feasibility of our pursuits, and recognizing the potential for futility in certain endeavors. It encourages us to focus on achievable objectives, celebrate progress along the way, and avoid becoming trapped in cycles of constant struggle without meaningful outcomes.

In real-world scenarios, the concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks" can be applied to various situations where individuals find themselves engaged in unproductive or futile endeavors. It may involve personal struggles, professional challenges, or societal issues that seem insurmountable.

Understanding the connection between "drew Gulliver of leaks" and its antonyms, success and achievement, provides a valuable perspective on the nature of human endeavor. It reminds us of the importance of setting achievable goals, considering alternative approaches, and recognizing the potential for futility in certain pursuits.


The example provided illustrates a common usage of the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" in the context of political discourse. It highlights the tendency of some politicians to make grand promises but fail to deliver on their commitments, leading to a sense of futility and frustration among the electorate.

  • Facet 1: Unfulfilled Promises

    The politician's promises to fix the economy but subsequent inaction exemplify the core concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks." Just as Gulliver's efforts to bail water from a leaking boat proved futile, the politician's promises remain unfulfilled, leaving the underlying problems unresolved.

  • Facet 2: Wasted Resources

    The politician's empty promises not only fail to address the economic issues but also waste valuable time and resources. Much like Gulliver's efforts to bail water, the politician's actions create the illusion of progress without actually achieving any meaningful change.

  • Facet 3: Public Disillusionment

    The politician's behavior, akin to Gulliver's futile efforts, leads to a sense of disillusionment and distrust among the public. The electorate, like Gulliver's fellow sailors, may eventually lose faith in the politician's ability to deliver on their promises, resulting in apathy or cynicism.

By examining this example in relation to "drew Gulliver of leaks," we gain insights into the broader implications of unfulfilled promises and the consequences of engaging in futile endeavors. It serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity, transparency, and accountability in political leadership.

FAQs on "drew gulliver of leaks"

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions surrounding the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks." It provides clear and informative answers to enhance understanding and clarify its usage and implications.

Question 1: What is the origin of the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks"?

Answer: The phrase originates from Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels," where a character named Gulliver attempts the futile task of bailing water from a leaking boat. Over time, the phrase has come to symbolize efforts that are ultimately futile or unproductive.

Question 2: How is the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" commonly used?

Answer: The phrase is often used to describe situations where individuals engage in persistent but ineffective efforts, akin to Gulliver's futile attempt to bail water. It highlights the challenges of addressing complex issues or pursuing unrealistic goals.

Question 3: What are some real-life examples of "drew Gulliver of leaks" situations?

Answer: Real-life examples include political promises that remain unfulfilled, ineffective policies that fail to resolve underlying problems, or personal struggles where individuals repeatedly encounter obstacles without making meaningful progress.

Question 4: What is the significance of the phrase in relation to human behavior?

Answer: The phrase sheds light on the human tendency to engage in futile endeavors despite the likelihood of failure. It serves as a reminder to assess the feasibility of our pursuits and consider alternative approaches to avoid wasting time and resources.

Question 5: How can we avoid becoming "drew Gulliver of leaks" in our own lives?

Answer: To avoid engaging in futile pursuits, it is crucial to set realistic goals, identify achievable objectives, and consider potential obstacles. Regularly evaluating our progress and seeking feedback can help us make adjustments and redirect our efforts towards more productive endeavors.

Question 6: What are the key takeaways from understanding the phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks"?

Answer: Key takeaways include the importance of recognizing the limitations of our actions, the need for careful planning and realistic goal-setting, and the value of seeking alternative solutions when faced with challenges.

Summary of key takeaways or final thought:

The phrase "drew Gulliver of leaks" offers valuable insights into the nature of human endeavor. It reminds us to approach challenges with a realistic assessment of our capabilities and to focus on achievable goals. By avoiding futile pursuits and embracing a growth mindset, we can make meaningful progress and avoid the frustrations associated with "drew Gulliver of leaks" situations.

Transition to the next article section:

Having explored the concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks" and its implications, let us now examine how this phrase can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal development, professional endeavors, and societal challenges.


In exploring the concept of "drew Gulliver of leaks," we have gained valuable insights into the nature of human endeavors and the challenges we face in pursuing our goals. The phrase serves as a metaphor for the futility of engaging in tasks that are inherently difficult or impossible to complete successfully.

This exploration invites us to reflect on our own actions and consider whether we may be caught in cycles of unproductive efforts. It encourages us to assess the feasibility of our goals, identify potential solutions, and avoid becoming trapped in situations where progress is elusive. By understanding the implications of "drew Gulliver of leaks," we can make more informed decisions, focus our energies on achievable objectives, and strive for meaningful outcomes.

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